G Pulla Reddy High School

Book List 2023-24

ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
NurHandwriting, Rhymes, Art& Craft, Story Book, Literacy, Numeracy, General Awareness, The AlphabetZoom – Pre-School 1Eupheus Learning
ClassSubjectName of the NoteBookNo.of pagesNo of books
NurEnglishFour ruled100 pgs.King Size2
N.workSquare ruled100 pgs.King Size2
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
L.K.GHandwriting, Rhymes, Art& Craft, Story Book, Literacy, Numeracy, General Awareness, The AlphabetZoom – Pre-School 2Eupheus Learning
HindiTogether with Udan Khatola Praveshika (Text-book-workbook)Rachana Sagar
ClassSubjectName of the NoteBookNo.of pagesNo of books
L.K.GEnglishFour ruled200pgs2
N.workSquare ruled200pgs2
HindiBroad Rule200pgs1
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
U.K.GHandwriting, Rhymes, Art& Craft, Story Book, Literacy, Numeracy, General Awareness, The AlphabetZoom – Pre-School 3Eupheus Learning
HindiSwar Gnan Early Learning SeriesFull Marks PVT Ltd
Vyanjan Gnan Early Learning SeriesFull Marks PVT Ltd
TeluguTelugu VarnamalaArrow Publication
Telugu AksharamalaArrow Publication
ClassName of the NoteBookNo.of pagesNo of books
U.K.GBroad ruled200pgs1
Four ruled200pgs2
Square ruled200pgs2
Double ruled200pgs1
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
IEnglishBUZZWORD English for Schools Textbook 1, Workbook, Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
Telugu (II L)Jabili – 1Govt Book Publication
Telugu (III L)Tene Palukulu-1Govt Book Publication
MathsMaths BuzzHead Word
EVSGrow with Environmental Studies Third EditionHead Word
G.KGet Set, Go world of Knowledge-1Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for lifeMerina
ComputerDecodekips learning solutions Pvt.Ltd
Art & CraftMAC Book-1Millennium Booksource PVt.LTD
ClassSubjectName of the Note BookNo.of pagesNo of books
IKing Size
EnglishFour Ruled200pgs2
TeluguDouble rule200pgs2
HindiBroad rule200pgs2
MathsSquare rule200pgs2
E.V.SDouble rule200pgs2
Periodic TestSingle rule100pgs5
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
IIEnglishBUZZWORD English for Schools Textbook 2,Workbook,Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)
Telugu (II L)Jabili – 2Govt Book Publication
Telugu (III L)Tene Palukulu-2Govt Book Publication
MathsMaths BuzzHead Word
EVSGrow with Environmental Studies Third EditionHead Word
G.KGet Set, Go world of Knowledge-2Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for lifeMerina
ComputerDcodekips learning solutions Pvt.Ltd
Art & CraftMAC BOOK-2Millennium Book Source PVT.LTD
ClassSubjectName of the Note BookNo.of pagesNo of books
IIKing Size
EnglishFour Ruled200pgs2
TeluguDouble rule200pgs2
HindiBroad rule200pgs2
MathsSquare rule200pgs2
E.V.SDouble rule200pgs2
Periodic TestSingle rule100pgs5
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
IIIEnglishBUZZWORD English for Schools Textbook 3, Workbook,Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)
Telugu (II L)Jabili – 3Govt Book Telangana Publications
Telugu (III L)Tene Palukulu-3Govt Book Telangana Publications
MathsMaths BuzzHead Word
EVSGrow with Environmental Studies Second EditionHead Word
G.KGet Set, Go world of Knowledge-3Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for lifeMerina
ComputerDcode-3kips learning solutions Pvt.Ltd
DrawingMAC BOOK-3Millennium Book Source PVT.LTD
ClassSubjectName of the Note BookNo.of pagesNo of books
IIIKing Size
EnglishFour rule200pgs3
TeluguDouble rule200pgs2
HindiBroad rule200pgs3
MathsMath Rule200pgs4
E.V.SSingle rule200pgs3
Periodic TestSingle rule100pgs5
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
IVEnglishBUZZWORD English for Schools Textbook 4, Workbook, Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
Telugu (II L)Jabili – 4Govt Book Telangana Publications
Telugu (III L)Tene Palukulu-4Govt Book Telangana Publications
MathsMaths BuzzHead Word
EVSGrow with Environmental Studies Second EditionHead Word
G.KGet Set, Go world of Knowledge-4Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for life 4Merina
ComputerDcode-4kips learning solutions Pvt.Ltd
DrawingMAC BOOK-4Millennium Book Source PVT.LTD
ClassSubjectName of the Note BookNo.of pagesNo of books
IVKing Size
EnglishDouble rule200pgs2
HindiBroad rule200pgs2
TeluguDouble rule200pgs2
MathsMath rule200pgs3
E.V.SSingle rule200pgs2
Periodic TestSingle rule100pgs5
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
VEnglishBUZZWORD English for Schools Textbook 5, Workbook, Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)
Telugu (II L)Jabili – 5Govt Book Telangana Publications
Telugu (III L)Tene Palukulu-5Govt Book Telangana Publications
MathsMaths BuzzHead Word
ScienceNew Grow with Science-5 Third EditionHead Word
SocialMy Big Book of Social Studies-5Ratnasagar
G.KGet Set, Go world of Knowledge-5Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for lifeMerina
ComputerDcode-5kips learning solutions Pvt.Ltd
DrawingMAC BOOK-5Millennium Book Source PVT.LTD
ClassSubjectName of the NotebookNo.of pagesNo of books
VKing Size
EnglishSingle rule200pgs2
HindiBroad Rule200pgs2
TeluguDouble rule200pgs2
MathsMath rule200pgs2
ScienceSingle rule200pgs2
SocialSingle rule200pgs2
Periodic TestSingle rule100pgs6
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
VIEnglishBUZZWORD English for Schools Textbook 6, Workbook, Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
Telugu (II L)Nava Vasantham-1Telangana Publications
Telugu (III L)Vennela-1Telangana Publications
MathsMaths BuzzHead Word
ScienceRevised New Science in Every Day Life-6Oxford Publications
SocialIntegrated Social StudiesRatnasagar
G.KGet Set, Go world of Knowledge-6Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for lifeMerina
ComputerDcode-6kips learning solutions Pvt.Ltd
DrawingMAC BOOK-6Millennium Book Source PVT.LTD
ClassSubjectName of the Note Book (Long)No.of pagesNo of books
VIEnglishSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity& PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
HindiSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity& PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
TeluguSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity& PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size1
MathsSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity& PTSingle Ruled100Pgs. King size2
ScienceSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity& PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
SocialSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity& PTSingle Ruled100pgs.King size2
ComputersSingle Ruled100Pgs. Long size1
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
VIIEnglishBUZZWORD English For Schools Textbook 7, Workbook, Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Telugu (II L)Navavasantham -2Telangana GOVT. PUB.
Telugu (III L)Vennela -2Telangana GOVT. PUB.
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
Hindi (IIIL)
MathsMaths Buzz-7Headword
ScienceRevised New Science in Every day Life-7Oxford
Social ScienceIntegrated Social Science -7Rathnasagar
G.KGet Set, Go World of Knowledge -7Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for Life-7Marina Publication
ComputersD CODE -7 WINDOWS 10 MS OFFICE 2016Kips Learning PVT LTD
Art & CraftMAC BOOK -7Millennium Booksource PVT.LTD.
ClassSubjectName of the Note Book LongNo.of pagesNo of books
VIIEnglishSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
HindiSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
TeluguSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size1
MathsSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100Pgs. King size2
ScienceSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
SocialSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs.King size2
ComputersSingle Ruled100Pgs. Long size1
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
VIIIEnglishBUZZWORD English For Schools Textbook 8, Workbook, Supplementary ReaderOrient Black Swan
Telugu (II L)Navavasantham -3Telangana GOVT. PUB.
Telugu (III L)Vennela -3Telangana GOVT. PUB.
Hindi (II L)GarimaMadhubhan
Hindi (III L)Mdhu KiranMadhubhan
MathsMathematics Text BookNCERT
ScienceRevised New Science in Every day Life-8Oxford
Social ScienceIntegrated Social Science -8Rathnasagar
G.KGet Set, Go World of Knowledge -8Prime Learning
Moral ValuesInspirations for Life-8Marina Publication
ComputersD CODE -8 WINDOWS 10 MS OFFICE 2016Kips Learning PVT LTD
Art & CraftMAC BOOK -8Millennium Booksource PVT.LTD.
ClassSubjectName of the Note Book LongNo.of pagesNo of books
VIIIEnglishSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
HindiSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
TeluguSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size1
MathsSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100Pgs. King size2
ScienceSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size2
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs. King Size2
SocialSingle Ruled200 Pgs. King Size1
Activity&PTSingle Ruled100pgs.King size2
ComputersSingle Ruled100Pgs. Long size1
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
Telugu (II L) ASingidi -1Telangana Publications
Telugu (II L) BVennela 4Telangana Publications
Lab ManualsMaths&ScienceSurvi
ComputersInformation Technology Code:402KIPS Publications
ClassSubjectName of the Note Book LongNo.of pagesNo of books
IXEnglishSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
HindiSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size3
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
TeluguSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size1
MathsSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
ScienceSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
Social ScienceSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size1
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
ComputersSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size1
ComputersRecord Book100pgs.1
ClassSubjectName of the readerName of the publisher
XEnglishText Book, Work Book & LiteratureNCERT
Hindi (IIL)Sparsh Text Book Course B& Sanchayan SupplementaryNCERT
Telugu (IIL)ASingidi -2Telangana GOVT. PUB.
Telugu (IIL)BVennela -5Telangana GOVT. PUB.
MathsMathematics Text BookNCERT
Math Lab ManualLab manuals book for Maths and Record bookSurvi1 (200pgs.)
ScienceNCERT Text Book of ScienceNCERT
Science Lab ManualLab Manual book for Science & Record bookSurvi2(200pgs.)
Social ScienceContemporary India-II Understanding the EconomicDevelopment India and Contemporary world-II Democratic Politics- IINCERT
ComputersInformation Technology Vocational-9 CODE 402 based on Open Office Asper Latest CBSE CurriculumKIPS Learning PVT. LTD.
Study Material For Class X
EnglishEvergreen Study Material
ScienceOswal Study Material
Social ScienceRachana Sagar Study Material
ClassSubjectName of the NoteBookNo.of pagesNo of books
XEnglishSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
HindiSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size3
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
TeluguSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size1
MathsSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
ScienceSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size2
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
Social ScienceSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size1
Activity & PTSingle Ruled100 Pgs. Long Size2
ComputersSingle Ruled200 Pgs. Long Size1
ComputersRecord Book100pgs.1