G Pulla Reddy High School

School Facilities

Smart Classrooms:
In the 21st Century, technology is changing the way life functions and if it’s for good then why not go for it?

All classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art interactive boards and projectors (1st to 10th std). This enhances the teaching-learning process and makes it more enjoyable and effective. Smart classes are almost like watching movies as sometimes, animated visuals are used to teach a point. The audio-visual senses of students are targeted and it helps the students store the information quickly and more effectively. They are part of Going Green campaign and good technology integration.


Computer laboratory:
The Computer studies are offered to the students from their 1 st Std onwards the computer labs are divided in to two in order to facilitate the usage of computer by each and every students. Each Labs is well equipped with the upgraded version of all the software and latest configuration of system apart from their curriculum the students are given training in most commonly used software packages.

Computer Lab (1)
Computer lab
Computer lab

Science Labs:
To raise new questions, new possibilities to regard old problems from new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.

Albert Einstein
Children need to understand Science concept and for that one has to look beyond the books and conventional classroom teaching. Effective teaching and learning of science involves seeing, handling and manipulating real objects and materials. The knowledge that kids attain in class rooms would be in effectual unless they actually observe the process and understand the relationship between the action and reaction.


Library is a place of central learning and plays a key role as place for encouraging, innovation, curiosity and problem solving. It plays as positive catalyst between teaching and learning process. In our school Library Books are suggested in a manner to cultivate the reading habits of the children’s. The students are encouraged to make use of the references for the preparation of their assignment and project.

Games & sports are important for success in every walk of life. We have Handball, Volley Ball & Basket Ball Courts. We also have Fields for Football, Cricket. The Indoor sportsis equipped with Table Tennis, Carrom & Chess. Sports are generally held in the month of winter. Students take part in various games as per their interest. Games foster Team spirit among the participants and make them disciplined in life.

Audio- Visual Lab:
In language learing and teaching process, students use their eyes as well as their ears, but their eyes are basic in learning. AV lab contributes to the understanding of another culture by providing vicarious contact with speakers of the language through both audio and visual means.